You need to create an account on ConstructionHired in-order to apply to the jobs. It will give you the option to submit your resume and apply directly with it.

Absolutely! You can save multiple resumes if you want to. Under ‘My Account’ click on ‘Add Resume’ to save resume. You can manage all your saved resumes under ‘Resume Dashboard’

Under ‘My Account’ click ‘Resume Dashboard’ where you can manage all your saved resumes.

Under ‘Find a Job’ click on ‘Search companies’ and you can see which companies are hiring.

Under the job post you will find ‘Bookmark this Job’.  Click to save it in your bookmarks. You can manage your bookmarks in your ‘My account’ settings under ‘Saved Jobs’.

Under ‘Past Applications’ you can view all the jobs you have applied for.

Under ‘My Account’ there is an option to manage ‘Job alerts’. Click on ‘add alert’ and a form will appear. Fill the form and click ‘save’. You can manage/edit your alerts at any given point however you like them.

You can change job alerts under ‘My Account’ there is an option’ Manage Job alerts’. Click on ‘edit alert’ . You edit/delete your alerts at any given point however you like them.

You can see your job alerts under ‘Manage Job alerts’. Click on ‘Results’ under the alert you want to see the results for.

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